Are you watching your peers businesses grow while yours remains stagnant? Has your business plateaued? Are you trying to make sure everything is perfect before you take action? Are you scared to take the bold action that got you into business in the first place because you're afraid you'll lose everything? Are you finally ready to unleash the floodgates of prosperity for your business?
Bob is a national speaker and entrepreneur having spent over 3,500 hours on stages and helped more than 15,000 people across the US, he’s a #1 Amazon best-selling author and has been personally responsible for helping thousands of entrepreneurs generate millions in profits. He has been featured on over 30 podcasts, is a member of the Forbes Business Council providing direction and information in the digital marketing & real estate space for all Forbes readers. He has been published on ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Yahoo News, Small Business trendsetters, The Money Show, The Miami Herald and Wall street select.
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